主讲人:Olivier Pironneau
Convective Trails may have a large effect on climate. They form rapidly propagating high altitude cirrus and the burned gases absorb infrared light resulting in a change of temperature in the atmosphere. To study the temperature in the earth atmosphere subjected to electromagnetic radiations, one may use the Radiative Transfer equations coupled with the Navier-Stokes equations. The problem has 7 dimensions; however with minimal simplifications it is equivalent to a small number of integro-differential equations in 3 dimensions. A numerical implementation using an H-matrix compression scheme allows us to measure the effect of clouds and airplane contrails on the temperature in the atmosphere. The result is very fast and the method is capable of handling variable absorption and scattering functions of spatial positions and frequencies.
The talk will not deal with the mathematical technicality of the method but will put these developments in perspective within the general problem of climate modeling.
对流尾迹可能对气候产生显著影响。它们形成快速传播的高空卷云,燃烧的气体吸收红外光后导致大气温度发生变化。可以使用辐射传输方程和纳维-斯托克斯方程来研究受电磁辐射影响的地球大气温度。该问题有 7 个维度,但经过最小限度的简化后,它等价于少量的3 维积分微分方程。使用 H 矩阵压缩方案的数值实现使我们能够测量云和飞机尾迹对大气温度的影响。该方法不仅效率很高,还可以处理空间位置和频率的可变吸收和散射函数。
Olivier Pironneau is a French mathematician who is a professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie and member of the French Academy of Sciences. Pironneau is a worldwide recognized expert in computational fluid dynamics, scientific computing, computational engineering, optimal design, numerical analysis and partial differential equations. He is a member of French Academy of Sciences since 2002 and associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2004. He was awarded the Ordre National du Mérite and he is also the recipient of the Marcel Dassault Prize and Blaise Pascal Prize by the French Academy of Sciences.
French Academy of Sciences (Académie des Sciences in French) was established in 1666.
奥利维尔·皮罗诺(Olivier Pironneau)是法国数学家,法国索邦大学(原皮埃尔和玛丽居里大学)教授,法国科学院院士。皮罗诺院士是国际公认的计算流体力学、科学计算、计算工程、优化设计、数值分析和偏微分方程等领域的专家。他分别于2002年和2004年当选法国科学院院士和俄罗斯科学院外籍院士,曾获法国国家功绩勋章和法国科学院马塞尔·达索奖(Marcel Dassault Prize)和布莱斯·帕斯卡奖(Blaise Pascal Prize)等重要奖项。